Q1. State True/False

i.             Opaque is a materials through which you are not able to see. _____

ii.            Insoluble substances mix in water. ___________

iii.          Soft materials can be compressed or scratched. _________

iv.          Brick is opaque, while butter paper is translucent. ________

v.           Salt does not dissolve in water. ________

vi.          All gases are non–lustrous. _________

vii.        Oil mixes with water. ________

viii.       Stone settles down in water. ___________

ix.          Vinegar does not mix with water. _________

x.           Iron is harder than sponge. _________

xi.          Air is transparent. ________

xii.        Glycerine is not soluble in water. ________

xiii.       Diamonds, gems and pearls are lustrous. ________

xiv.      Honey floats on the surface of water. ________

xv.        Alcohol is immiscible with water. _________

xvi.      Diamond is the hardest natural occurring substance. ________


Q2. Fill in the blanks.

i.             __________gas is soluble in water.

ii.            Grouping things together with similar properties is called________________________.

iii.          ________________is the metal that exists in liquid state.

iv.          ________________is a soft metal that can be cut with a knife.

v.           Iodine is a _______________that has lustre.

vi.          A piece of stone is a __________material.

vii.        All gases are not __________in water.

viii.       Dried leaf _________on the surface of water.

ix.          Oily patch on a piece of paper is_______________.

x.           Water is a _____________liquid.

xi.          Materials that have lustre are usually called as__________.

xii.        Materials are grouped on the basis of ____________or ___________in their properties.

xiii.       Based upon transparency, materials can be grouped as__________, ____________and _______________.

xiv.      A substance which is used in making different objects is called____________.


Q3. Name a substance through which light can pass through partially but one cannot see through it clearly.


Q4. Name a liquid which is lustrous.


Q5. Name two non-metals which are lustrous.


Q6. What happens when we add mustard oil to a glass full of water?


Q7. Name some materials that float on water.


Q8. Name some materials that sink in water.


Q9. Name any two things which can be made out of wood.


Q10. Write the object from the following which shine: brick, earthen pitcher, glass bowl, plastic table, steel spoon, cotton bed sheet, newspaper.


Q11. Make a list of items that floats on kerosene.


Q12. Name one lustrous material.


Q13. Which material is generally used for making pens?


Last modified: Friday, 4 January 2019, 7:10 PM