Q36. In what ways are present-day elections different from the ways in which rulers were chosen in janapadas?


Q37. What led to the increase in the production?


Q38. Why were taxes collected by the rulers of the mahajanapadas?


Q39. Who was Alexander? Name some places that were conquered by him.


Q40. What archaeologists have found about the ‘janapadas’ and their people?


Q41. Write a short note on painted grey ware.


Q42. Write a short note on gana or sangha.


Q43. Why did the rajas of Mahajanapadas build forts?


Q44. How were the Mahajanapadas different from Janapadas?


Q45. Why did people oppose the system of varnas?


Q46. Write a short note on the governance system in ‘Ganas’ and ‘Sanghas’.


Last modified: Saturday, 19 January 2019, 10:55 PM