Practice Page 1


Fill in the blanks:




a.   A quadrilateral has ______________ angles.

b.   A square has all its side ______________.

c.   A trapezium with its non-parallel sides equal is called _______________________.

d.   Each angle of a rectangle or square is equal to ___________.

e.   A square is a rectangle in which all sides are equal.

f.    Sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is ______________


A quadrilateral has three angles equal to 60°, 75° and 120°. Find its unknown angle.










In a quadrilateral EFGH, E = F = 65° and G = 120°, find H.










If the sum of 3 angles of a quadrilateral is 280°, find its fourth angle.





Practice Page 2


Fill in the blanks:




g.   Quadrilateral means ____________ sides.

h.   Square is a _____________ in which all sides are equal

i.     A line segment joining a pair of opposite vertices is called a _________________.

j.    Each angle of a rectangle is equal to ___________.

k.   A rhombus is sometimes called a ____________________.

l.     The interior angles of a quadrilateral add up to ______ degrees.


Find the measure of the missing angles in a parallelogram, if A = 55°
















In a quadrilateral ABCD, A = 105°, B = 95°, C= 70. Find D.











Last modified: Tuesday, 4 December 2018, 6:43 PM