Practice Page 1


Classify the triangles into acute, obtuse and right angled triangle with following angles:




a.   30°, 90°, 60°                       _________________________

b.   55°, 45°, 80°                       _________________________

c.   80°, 60°, 40°                       _________________________

d.   120°, 40°, 20°                     _________________________

e.   90°, 45°, 45°                       _________________________

f.    35°, 95°, 50°                       _________________________


Classify triangles according to sides as equilateral, isosceles or scalene triangle.


a. 5cm, 3cm, 6cm                    _________________________


b. 7cm, 7cm, 7cm                    _________________________


c. 8cm, 8cm, 7cm                     _________________________


d. 9cm, 11cm, 10cm                 _________________________


e. 4cm, 5cm, 6cm                     _________________________


f. 4.5cm, 4.5cm, 5.5cm               _________________________




If two angles of a triangle measures 50° and 60°. Find the measure of the third angle of the triangle.



Practice Page 2


Can we have a triangle with the following angles and sides? Justify your answer with reason.




a.     50°, 90°, 60°            ______________________


b.   80°, 70°, 80°            _______________________


c.     8cm, 4cm, 4cm          _______________________                  


d.    10cm, 5cm, 5cm         ________________________           



Find the third angle and mention the kind of triangle.


a. A = 80°, B = 40°,C =?      _____________________________________________________


b. A = 60°, B = 90°,C =?      _____________________________________________________


c. A = 120°, B = 35°,C =?      _____________________________________________________


The three angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 2:3:5. Find the measure of each angle of the triangle.



Practice Page 3


Draw 3 non collinear points as L, M and N on a paper. Now join LM, MN and NL. Name the figure you get and answer the following question:




a.   Name :  ___________________

b.     The side opposite to  M   __________________

c. The angle opposite to side LM   __________________       

d.   Vertex opposite to side NM   _________________            

e.   The side opposite to angle M  __________________            


Fill in the blanks:


a. The sum of 3 angles of a triangle equals to ____________.


b. The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is ______________ than the length of the third side.


c. In an isosceles triangle, the angles opposite to the equal sides are ____________.


d. An equilateral triangle is also an ______________________ triangle.


e. Triangles are classified on the basis of __________ and on the basis of _________.




If one of the acute angle of a right angled triangle is 42°. Find out the other acute angle of the triangle.




Last modified: Thursday, 6 December 2018, 12:22 PM