
Question 1:  

Choose the correct answer and write in the blanks.

 1. We need _______ and ________ to live.

 2. We dig a ________ to get underground water.

 3. We should drink ________ water.

 4. We _________ keep our sources of water clean.

 5. All _________ things need water.

 6. Snow __________ and changes into water.

 7. Water is very ___________.

 8. We use a ______________  to draw underground water.

 9. Boiling water kills the __________ in it.

10. We get water from many ___________.


Question 2:  


1. Animals also need water to live. ________ 

2. We need water only for cooking and drinking. ________

3. We get water only from rivers. ________

4. We should not turn off the taps after using them. ________

5. Water reaches our homes with the help of pipes and taps. ________

6. Plants need water to grow. ________

7. Drinking water should be kept covered. ________

8. We should always waste water. ________

9. We wash our clothes with water. ________

10. We should throw wastes into rivers, ponds and lakes. ________


Question 3: 

Answer the following questions. 

Q1. What happen when we drink dirty water?

Q2. Name any five sources of water.

Q3. Name two sources from which we get underground water.

Q4. Name two daily activities for which we need water.

Q5. How do we get underground water?

Q6. How can we clean water at home? Give two ways.

Q7. How can we keep our sources of water clean?

Q8. Where do we get water from?

Q9. Mention any three uses of water.

Q10. What are the different ways in which we can save water? (3 points)


Last modified: Thursday, 4 April 2024, 6:57 PM