Healthy Habits

Question 1:  

Choose the correct answer and write in the blanks.

 1. __________ health is important for us.

 2. We must exercise __________.

 3. When we are tired we should take __________.

 4. We should wash hands with ________ and water after using __________.

 5. Sleep at least 8 to 10 __________ daily.

 6. Our body is made up of __________ parts that work for us in different ways.

 7. We should take good __________ of our body.

 8. Something that we keep doing often becomes our __________.

 9. Children with __________ habits stay fit and fine.

10. Germs are very small living things that make us __________.


Question 2:  


1. We should have a bath every day with soap and water. _______

2. We should drink one glass of clean water every day. _______ 

3. Healthy food is good for us. _______

4. Brushing teeth twice daily is a healthy habit. _______

5. We should not eat well and take care of our body. _______


Question 3: 

Answer the following questions. 

Q1. What type of food do we need to eat?

Q2. What should we do before and after meals?

Q3. How many hours do we need to sleep?

Q4. Why should we follow good habits?

Q5. Why should we not drink uncovered water?

Q6. Why do we need to brush our teeth daily?

Q7. How can we keep our body healthy and strong?

Q8. Write any 3 clean habits you follow every day to stay healthy.


Last modified: Tuesday, 9 May 2023, 12:07 PM