Q63. Why did land under cultivation increased during colonial rule?


Why did the British increase the land for cultivation in India?


What were the reasons for the expansion of cultivation in the colonial period?


Why did the British increase the land for cultivation in India?


State the reasons for the expansion of cultivation in the colonial period.


How did cultivation expand during the colonial period?


Q64. Explain three reforms introduced by Dietrich Brandis.


Q65. What new developments have occurred in forestry in Asia and Africa in recent times?


Describe the new developments in forestry since the 1980s.


Q66. ‘The new forest laws changed the lives of forest dwellers. They could not hunt.’ How?


How did the new forest laws change the lives of forest dwellers?


How did the forest rules affect hunting in India?


Q67. What are the similarities between colonial management of the forests in Bastar and in Java?


Q68. How did Forest Act affect the lives of foresters and villagers?


Explain the impact of various forest laws and policies which were adopted by the colonial people.


Last modified: Thursday, 4 June 2020, 11:39 PM