Q25. Who were the supporters of Weimar Republic?


Q26. What was article 48 in the Weimar constitution?


Q27. What did Schacht advised to Hitler?


Q28. What was the purpose of the enabling Act of 1933?


Q29. When did the Second World War start?


How did Second World War start?


Q30. What were mass killings termed in Nazi regime? 


Q31. What were disinfection areas?


What was the name given to gas chambers by Nazis?


What the gas chambers were called?


Q32. Mention the reason for Nazi hatred for Jews.


Why did Nazi hate the Jews?


Q33. Why did Hitler conquer Eastern Europe?


Q34. How did Second World War end?


When did the Second World War end?


How did Second World War come to an end?


Q35. What was Hitler's worldview?


Q36. Explain the term ‘Lebensraum’.


Q37. How did Nazis kill the innocent civilians of Europe?


Q38. How did Hitler and Goebbels meet their end?


Q39. ‘Nazism was a system’. Explain


Q40. Name the place where Soviet Red Army inflicted a crushing defeat on Germany.


Where did the Soviet Red Army give a humiliating defeat to Hitler's army?


Q41. Name the countries that formed the Allied Powers.


Q42. What was the result of the First World War for Germany?


Q43. When was the Tripartite Pact signed? What was its importance?


Q44. What event made an opportunity for parliamentary parties to recast German polity?


Q45. What was the nature of government formed in Germany at Weimar?


What type of government was the Weimar Republic?


Last modified: Sunday, 24 May 2020, 2:33 PM