Q82. Describe the views of radicals.


What were the views of radicals?


Write a short note on ‘radicals’.


Q83. Discuss the positive aspects of the Bolshevik government on Soviet Union and on its people.


Q84. Why was the decision to collectivise farms taken?


Q85. What changes did industrialisation bring to the then society in Russia?


Q86. What solutions did radicals and liberals find to the problems of industrial society?


Q87. Explain how workers were divided in social groups in Russia.


How were workers divided in social groups in Russia?


State how workers were divided in social groups in Russia.


Q88. Critically examine Stalin's collectivisation programme.


Q89. What developments took place in Europe in support of socialism?


Q90. Discuss the role and importance of Lenin in the history of USSR?


What was the role of Lenin in the Russian Revolution?


Explain in brief the Lenin’s contribution to the Russian Revolution.


Last modified: Saturday, 16 May 2020, 8:31 PM