
Q50. Where do the rivers Indus and Ganga have their origin?


Q51. Mention the course of river Mahanadi.


What is the length of the river Mahanadi?


Q52. The Narmada basin creates many picturesque locations. Name two of them.


Name any two picturesque locations formed by Narmada basin.


Name the peninsular river that creates picturesque locations.


Where does Narmada originate? Name any picturesque locations formed by it.


Q53. From where does the river Ganga originate and which tributaries join it?


Q54. What are the major sources of river pollution?


In what different ways river do get polluted?


Q55. Write a short note on Krishna basin.


Q56. Write a short note on Sundarban Delta.


What is Sundarban Delta? Why is it so called?


Q57. Describe three main features of Narmada basin.


Q58. Give an account of Tapi Basin.


Last modified: Friday, 10 April 2020, 10:02 PM