The French Revolution

Q62. Give the reason for the walk out from the Assembly of Estate General by the members of Third Estate on 5th May 1789. What were the two steps taken by the members of Third Estate after walk out?


Q63. How did philosophers influence the thinking of the people of France?


What role did philosophers play in bringing about the French Revolution?


Describe the contribution of the French philosophers in the outbreak of the Revolution of 1789.


Explain the role of philosophers in the French Revolution.


Describe the ideology of any three philosophers who influenced the French Revolution.


Name any two philosophers who inspired the educated people of Third Estate. Also mention the ideas forth by them. 


Q64. Who were entitled to vote in France as per Constitution of 1791, framed by National Assembly? State any three rights given to the people by this constitution.


Q65. How would you explain the rise of Napoleon?


Describe the rise of Napoleon.


Who was Napoleon? Describe the rise of Napoleon.


What reforms did Napoleon introduced in France?


Q66. Evaluate the importance of the following years in concern with French Revolution, 1774, 1789, 1791, 1792-93, 1804 and 1815.


Q67. Describe how abolition of slavery became possible in France.


How did abolition of slavery become possible in France? Explain.

Last modified: Friday, 20 March 2020, 11:36 PM