About the passage

Read to understand

A. Answer these questions with reference to the context.

1. ‘How is that possible?’

      a.   Who said this and to whom?

      b.   Why does the speaker ask this question?

      c.   What explanation was given to the speaker?


2. ‘Probably, I was the cook!’

      a.   Whose words are these originally – Ashok’s or his father’s?

      b.   When did he say this?

      c.   What was said after this?


B. Mark these statements as (T) for true or (F) for false.

1. The occasion for the family gathering was a grandson’s wedding. ___

2. Only close relatives were invited to the celebrations. ___

3. There were no infants or babies in the family. ____

4. Ashok Bhat was one of the relatives. ____

5. Ashok was a comedian. ___


C. Answer these questions.

1. What was the special celebration for?


2. How did Ravikant make sure everyone enjoyed the evening?


3. In what way was Ashok Bhat’s invitation the best gift?


4. Why did the children find the cake joke funny?


5. What request was Ashok attempting to fulfill all evening?


6. What does the last sentence in the story mean?



Discuss and write

The twins did a very mischievous thing. Was it on purpose or unintentional? Justify your opinion.


Last modified: Monday, 26 August 2019, 8:56 AM