Practice Page 1


Fill in the blanks.


a. We have _____________ sense organs.

b. We can sense four types of tastes: sweet, __________, __________, and salty.

c. _____________ is the largest sense organ we have.

d. We can identify many types of sound with our ______________.

e. We see this beautiful world with our ____________.

f. Our nose helps us ________________.


Write the names of any 4 things that you see in your classroom.


_______________________            ______________________

_______________________             ______________________


Write the taste of the following given food.


Chocolate                    -                          ____________________

Lemon                         -                          ____________________

Bitter gourd                  -                          ____________________

Chips                           -                          ____________________

Ice-cream                     -                          ____________________

Practice Page 2


Fill in the blanks.


a. ___________ helps us to sense temperature change such as hot, cold, warm etc.

b. Tongue is a _________________ organ.

c. We listen to music with our________________.

d. We watch television with our ______________.

e. We can ______________ with our nose.

f. There are _________ buds all over the tongue.

g. With our eyes we differentiate object in terms of color, __________ and size.


List out five sense organs and things they help us to do.


Sense Organ












Last modified: Sunday, 11 November 2018, 8:31 PM