About the passage
Read to understand
A. Answer these questions with reference to the context.
‘ I ran for the door, about 60 feet away’.
1. Where was the writer at this time?
2. What made him act his way?
3. What did he compare the experience to?
4. What was he reminded of at this moment?
B. Answer these questions.
1. What was the writer’s response to the rumbling initially? Why?
2. Why was the writer still uneasy even though he was in a park?
3. The writer says making his way back was an epic journey. What does he mean by this?
4. Why does he say that this was the most harrowing experience in his life?
5. What further shocking information did he get later in the day?
6. Why do you think the writer says ‘Now I’ve seen it all’?
Discuss and write
1. What options did the commuters have after the rail system was shut down? What would you have done if you were in that situation?
2. What reactions to the disaster did Andrew observe in the people?