Q1. Fill in the blanks.

                          i.        The types of resources on basis of stock are ______________and __________________resources.

                         ii.        All resources have some __________.

                        iii.        ________and ________________are two important factors that can change substances into resources.

                        iv.        On the basis of distribution resources can be ______________or _________________.

                        v.        On the basis of origin, resources can be __________or ___________.

                       vi.        On the basis of development and use resources can be classified into two groups, _________________ and ________________________.


Q2. True/False

                          i.        Natural gas is a non-renewable resource. ________

                         ii.        High speed winds were a potential resource two hundred years ago. _________

                        iii.        Coal, petroleum and natural gas are some examples renewable resources. _________

                        iv.        All resources have same value. __________

                        v.        All natural sources of energy are renewable. ___________

                        vi.        Value means worth. ___________


Q3. What are non-renewable resources?


Q4. What is a patent?


Q5. What do you mean by stock of resource?


Q6. What is utility?


Q7. How are resources classified based on their origin?


Q8. What makes a substance a resource?


How does something become a resource?


Q9. Why is air a ubiquitous resource?


Q10. What are renewable resources?


Q11. How are resources classified according to their distribution?


Q12. How are resources classified broadly?


Q13. What is resource conservation?


Q14. What is technology?


Q15. Name some natural resources.


Q16. What are natural resources?


Q17. What is sustainable development?


Q18. What is a Human Resource?


Q19. How natural resources are classified?

Last modified: Wednesday, 13 February 2019, 11:29 PM