Q31. Highlight the steps taken by Murshid Quli Khan to decrease Mughal influence in Bengal.


How did Murshid Quli Khan decrease the Mughal influence in Bengal?


Q32. How did Burhan-ul-Mulk reduce Mughal influence in the Awadh region?


Enumerate the steps taken by Saadat Khan to reduce Mughal influence in Awadh.


How did Saadat Khan try to decrease the Mughal influence in the Awadh region?


Q33. Who were the very powerful governors of Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad among the early and later Mughal rulers?


Q34. How did Murshid Quli Khan become powerful in Bengal?


Q35. Who were the Jats? How did they consolidate their power during the late 17th and 18th centuries?


Q36. How were the Sikhs organised in the eighteenth century?


Q37. Why did the Mughals lose their power by the eighteenth century?


How did the later Mughal emperors lose their control over their nobles?


Q38. How did moneylenders and bankers achieve influential position in the state of Awadh?


Last modified: Friday, 11 January 2019, 7:35 PM