Practice Page 1

Find the roots of the following quadratic equations by factorization:

a.   x2 – 3x – 10 = 0






b.   √2x2 + 7x + 5√2 = 0







c.   48x2 – 13x – 1 = 0




d.   10x – 1/x = 3







e.   2x/(x-4) + (2x-5)/(x-3) = 25/3

f.    X2 + 2ab = (2a + b)x






Practice Page 2

Solve the following word problems using factorization method :

a.   Find two numbers whose sum is 37 and product is 300.









b.   The height of a right triangle is 7 cm less than its base. If the hypotenuse is 13 cm, find the other two sides.









c.   The product of two consecutive positive integers is 306. Find the integers.








Last modified: Thursday, 22 November 2018, 10:17 PM