Q1. Fill in the blanks.
i. ____________do not allow current to pass through them.
ii. Air is an______________.
iii. Our body is a ________conductor of electricity.
iv. The metal cap is the _____________terminal of the electric cell.
Q2. True/False
i. Impure water can also conduct electricity. _________
ii. An electric cell produces electricity from the chemicals stored inside it. _______
iii. The metal disc is the positive terminal. _________
iv. Brass is a conductor. ________
v. Insulators allow current to pass through them. _________
Q3. Which device is used to open or close an electric circuit?
Q4. Who invented the first electric bulb?
Q5. Who invented the first electric cell?
Q6. Which is the +ve terminal of a cell?
Q7. Which is the –ve terminal of a cell?
Q8. Who invented dry cell?
Q9. Define an electric switch.
Q10. Where does the torch get electricity from?
Q11. Where does electricity come from?
Q12. How does an electric cell produce electricity?
Q13. Name the type of circuit in which switch is in ‘OFF’ position.
Q14. Can distilled water conduct electricity?
Q15. Name the type of circuit in which switch is in ‘ON’ position.
Q16. Can tap water or rain water conduct electricity?
Q17. What is a thin wire fixed in the middle of the glass bulb called?
Q18. What is a filament in a light bulb?
Q19. Write two examples of conductor and insulators.
Q20. What is heating effect of current?
Q21. Will the bulb glow in an open circuit? Why or why not?
Q22. What is an electric bulb?
Q23. What are the two terminals called in an electric cell?