About the poem

A.  Read to understand

1. Choose the correct options.

     a)   The first stanza of the poem tells us that the poet

                     i.        was looking for a companion to end his loneliness.

                    ii.        was searching for the place where daffodils grew in plenty.

                  iii.        was moving about without any sense of purpose or direction.


     b)   In this poem, what does the poet compare the daffodils to?

  i. clouds       ii. waves         iii. stars         


     c)   What accompanied the daffodils while they danced in the breeze?

  i. the leaves of the trees  ii. The waves in the lake  iii. The stars in the sky


     d)   In the third stanza, ‘wealth’ most probably refers to

                     i.        a large company of friends.

                    ii.        an interesting way to pass the time.

                  iii.        an abundance of joyful thoughts.


     e)   In the last stanza, the ‘inward eye’ most probably refers to the part of our mind that

                     i.        helps us solve complex problems.

                    ii.        helps us recall thoughts and memories.

                  iii.        helps us understand what is right and wrong.


2. Answer the following questions.

    a)   Where does the poet see the daffodils?


    b)   What does the ‘jocund company’ consist of?


    c)   What cheers the poet when he is sad or worried about something?

B.  Discuss

1. Do you think we get greater joy when we recall a happy event than when we actually experience it? For example, when would you be happier – when you celebrate your birthday with your best friends or later when you think about the celebration? Give a reason for your answer.


2. Share with the class some happy incidents whose memories fill your heart with pleasure whenever you think about them.



C.  Read to appreciate


A simile makes use of the words like or as to compare contrasting things.

Read these lines from the poem.

I wander’d lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills


In these lines, the poet compares his aimless wandering to the movement of a cloud in the sky.

This is an example of a simile.


1. Find another example of a simile in the poem.


2. Choose suitable similes to complete the following sentences.

    a)   You shouldn’t have a problem answering this. The solution is

i. as flat as a pancake.                  ii. as clear as daylight.


    b)   She was uncomfortable going up on stage. She felt

i. like a knife through hot butter.   ii. like a bug under a magnifying glass.


    c)   During weekdays, she juggles between attending school, tennis practice, and music lessons.

i. as busy as a bee.                       ii. as different as chalk from cheese.


    d)   He did not dare disturb his sister when she was in a bad mood. It was

i. like playing with fire.                  ii. like lighting a candle to the sun.


    e)   The captain did not show any signs of worry when the opposition got off to a brilliant start. As usual, he was

i. as quick as a wink.                     ii. as cool as a cucumber.



Last modified: Saturday, 24 November 2018, 11:18 PM