Q20. Who have the responsibility of running various government departments and ministries?
Q21. Why the chief minister and the minister for health has visited Patalpuram district?
Q22. What is the purpose of a press conference?
Q23. What does the term constituency mean?
Q24. Define the term press conference.
Q25. Explain the following terms–majority, ruling party, opposition.
Q26. Why should decisions taken by the Chief Minister and other ministers be debated in the Legislative Assembly?
Q27. Who becomes a chief minister? What is his or her role in a state?
Q28. How does the press conference help you get information on what the government is doing?
Q29. Use the terms ‘constituency’ and ‘represent’ to explain who an MLA is and how is the person elected?
Q30. In the working of the government, explain the difference between being an MLA and an MLA who is also a minister?