Like Fractions

Fractions with the same denominators (bottom numbers) are called like fractions.


For example:

 2/15, 7/15 and 13/15 are like fractions with the same denominators (bottom numbers).



Key Points

1.     1/4, 2/8, 3/12 etc. are not like fractions, although when simplified, they all result in 1/4.

2.     5/11 and 5/21 are not like fractions because numerators are same but denominator are not.

3.     Whole number such as 3, 6, 7 etc. are like fractions since their denominators are considered as 1.



Unlike Fractions

Fractions with different denominators (bottom numbers) are called unlike fractions.

For example:

 7/15, 11/5 and 13/11 are unlike fractions with the different denominators (bottom numbers).


Comparing Like Fractions

In case of like fractions, the fraction with the greater numerator is greater.


Comparing Unlike Fractions


1.   Find the LCM (Least Common Multiple) of the denominators of the given fractions.

2.   Convert the given fractions to equivalent fractions with denominator equal to the LCM (least common multiple) obtained in Step 1.

3.   Compare the numerators of the equivalent fractions whose denominators are same.

Last modified: Tuesday, 11 June 2019, 3:44 PM