About the passage

A.  Read to understand

1.   Answer these questions.

     1.   What had the writer’s friends cautioned her about?


     2.   The writer says, ‘But we had spoken too soon.’ What had they said? Why was it spoken ‘too soon’?


     3.   What tales had the writer read or heard about the Bushmen?


     4.   What made the Bushman flash a set of white teeth? How did his attitude change thereafter?


     5.   What special shots of the elephants were the author and her companions able to click?


     6.   Why did the Bushman look puzzled after the elephants had retreated?




B.  Read to infer

1.   The writer did not heed the warnings of her friends. What does this tell us about her?


2.   Why does the writer say, ‘We could only follow in silence.’?


3.   Why did the writer and her companion have puzzled expressions? How did the Bushman put them at ease?


4.   Do you think the Bushman had set them up at a good lookout point? Give reasons for your answer.


5. The writer says, ‘We had not expected things to happen so fast.’ Why does the writer say so?


6. Is it right to say that the writer and her companions were fortunate to have hit the Kalahari Desert before dark for more than one reason? Why?




C.  Discuss

1.   The Bushman looked pleased that he did not have to witness the destruction of those majestic beasts. Why then do you think he had promised to conduct the writer and her companions to game? (Hint: Was he expecting something?)


2.   What is better-to shoot with a camera or with a gun? Discuss.


3. Do you think language is the only link between people? Discuss in what other ways people can communicate with each other.


Last modified: Tuesday, 22 January 2019, 8:33 PM