About the poem

A.  Read to understand

Answer these questions.

1.   ‘All was peace….’ Give three reasons why the poet says this.


         2.   Why was the poet daydreaming? Tick the correct option.


The weather was pleasant.

The bee’s song made him sleepy.

Clara was in the audience.

d.   There were girls prettier than Clara.


          3.   Which three words in the third stanza identify the sport being played?


          4.   Who was grieved and why?


          5.   What did the poet do when he realized his mistake?


          6.   Which two lines in the fourth stanza show the poet’s regret?


B.  Discuss

1.   What did the poet decide to do? Would the poet ever play cricket again?

2.   If you were in the poet’s place what would you do?


C.  Read to appreciate

Match the following expressions used in the poem with their meanings.

Last modified: Wednesday, 23 January 2019, 9:54 PM