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      Back from the Brink (by Rita Banerji and Maya Khosla)

      About the passage

      Read to understand

      A. Answer these questions with reference to the context.

      ‘These are first steps, but positive ones, towards a more sustainable future.’

      1.  Who took these first steps?

      Ans. Tribal people took these first steps.


      2. What two important steps were taken?

      Ans. Two important steps taken were:

                                 i.        Self-imposed ban on hunting by the tribal people

                                ii.        Ex-poachers became forest guides


      3. In what way were the steps positive?

      Ans. The steps were positive because it will revive the wildlife population and set up infrastructure for ecotourism.


      B. Answer these questions.

      1. Who are Tai, Manga, and Jarjo?

      Ans. Tai, Maga, and Jarjo are young Nyshi tribals who were helping the film-makers with their documentary film.


      2. Why did Jarjo mimic the sound of a baby deer in trouble?

      Ans. Jarjo mimicked the sound to lure the mother deer so that the film-makers could film the scene.


      3. When did the film-makers’ sojourn in the north-east begin? What was their objective during their stay?

      Ans. The film-makers sojourn began in 2002, in the Pakke National Park in Arunachal Pradesh. The objective was to film the rehabilitation of two Himalayan black bear cubs orphaned by hunting.


      4. What goal did the film-makers intend to achieve through their latest efforts?

      Ans. The film-makers’ goal was to document the extent of hunting and to determine whether there was any hope for the future of wildlife in the north-east.


      5. Why have generations of tribal people in the north-east been hunting wild animals?

      Ans. Hunting is part of the tradition and culture of the tribal people. The animals they hunt provide food and bones, furs, and feathers for decoration and rituals during most festivals.


      6. What motivated the tribal people to hunt wildlife recklessly?

      Ans. The demand for animals and birds motivated the tribal people to hunt recklessly.


      7. What shows that the young tribals were more concerned about their environment than traditions?

      Ans. The tribals’ self-imposed ban on hunting shows that the young tribals were more concerned about their environment than traditions.


      8. What positive example have some ex-poachers set? Why would this ensure a sustainable future?

      Ans. In Manas, Assam, ex-poachers have turned into forest guides, putting their intimate knowledge of the forest to far better use. This would ensure a sustainable future because it will revive the wildlife population and set up infrastructure for ecotourism.


      Discuss and write

      1. Do you think it was easy for the tribal people to decide on the ban? Why?

      Ans. No, I don’t think it was easy for the tribal people to decide on the ban because hunting was part of their tradition and culture. They have been hunting for generations for their livelihood.


      2.’Preservation and protection of the environment is not a spectator sport.’ What does this mean? How should each of us be involved in the preservation of the environment?

      Ans. ’Preservation and protection of the environment is not a spectator sport.’ This means that merely just advocating that we need to do something to preserve the environment will not serve the purpose. We need to be involved in in the preservation of the environment.

      Simple ways to preserve the environment

                              i.        Use Reusable Bags

                             ii.        Print as Little as Necessary

                            iii.        Recycle

                            iv.        Use a Reusable Beverage Containers

                             v.        Save Electricity!

                            vi.        Save Water

               vii.        Avoid Taking Cars or Carpool When Possible

      A. Find words in the passage that mean the same as the phrases given below.

      a) to take out - extract

      b) to imitate someone/something - mimic

      c) send/go to live in another place - rehabilitation

      d) to keep getting less and less - deplete/decline

      e) to strengthen and support - sustain

      f ) the basic requirements of a city (roads, buildings, power supply, etc.) needed to support society - infrastructure