Topic outline

    • Transportation in Animals and Plants

      Q21. What is the function of veins?

      Ans. Veins carry carbon dioxide-rich blood from all parts of the body back to the heart.


      Q22. What is the function of valves in veins?

      Ans. There are valves present in veins which allow blood to flow only towards the heart.


      Q23. Where is heart located in human body?

      Ans. The heart is located in the chest cavity with its lower tip slightly tilted towards the left.


      Q24. What is the function of Pulmonary artery?

      Ans. The pulmonary artery carries carbon dioxide-rich blood from the right ventricle to the lungs.


      Q25. What are the excretory organs of the human body?

      Ans. Excretory system of humans consists of two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary bladder, and urethra.

      Q26. What is xylem?

      Ans. The vascular tissue for the transport of water and nutrients in the plant is called the xylem.


      Q27. Which blood vessels carry blood from all parts of the body back to the heart?

      Ans. Veins are the blood vessels that carry blood from all parts of the body back to the heart.


      Q28. What are veins?

      Ans. Veins are the vessels which carry carbon dioxide-rich blood from all parts of the body back to the heart.


      Q29. How do aquatic animals like fishes excrete their waste?

      Ans. Aquatic animals like fishes, excrete cell waste as ammonia which directly dissolves in water.


      Q30. How do birds, lizards and snakes excrete their waste?

      Ans. Some land animals like birds, lizards, snakes excrete a semi-solid, white coloured compound (uric acid).

      Q31. What is the significance of partition between the chambers of heart?

      Ans. The partition between the chambers helps to avoid mixing up of blood rich in oxygen with the blood rich in carbon dioxide.


      Q32. How does sweat help keep you cool?

      Ans. Sweating plays an important role in cooling the body by allowing water to evaporate off the skin, resulting in a loss of body heat.


      Q33. Why is it necessary to excrete waste products?

      Ans. When our cells perform their functions, certain waste products are released. These are toxic and hence need to be removed from the body.


      Q34. Differentiate between Atrium and Ventricle.

      Ans. Atrium - The two upper chambers of the heart are called the atria (singular: atrium).

      Ventricle - The two lower chambers of the heart are called the ventricles.


      Q35. What is function of xylem?

      Ans. The xylem forms a continuous network of channels that connects roots to the leaves through the stem and branches and thus transports water to the entire plant.

      Q36. What is heart beat?

      Ans. The walls of the chambers of the heart are made up of muscles. These muscles contract and relax rhythmically. This rhythmic contraction followed by its relaxation constitutes a heartbeat.


      Q37. What is the main function of the kidneys?

      Ans. The kidneys perform the essential function of removing waste products from the blood and produce urine, composed of wastes and extra fluid. It helps in regulating the water fluid levels.

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