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      With a Bushman in the Kalahari

      About the passage

      A.  Read to understand

      1.   Answer these questions.

           1.   What had the writer’s friends cautioned her about?

           Ans. The writer’s friends cautioned her about nauseating smell.


           2.   The writer says, ‘But we had spoken too soon.’ What had they said? Why was it spoken ‘too soon’?

           Ans. They had said that since they had reached the desert during the day time, they would have enough time to set up a base for their shoot. It was spoken too soon because round the edge, their van got stuck in the mud.


           3.   What tales had the writer read or heard about the Bushmen?

           Ans. The writer read about the Bushmen that Bushmen are safer to deal with during the day; they are extra alert during the night and more aggressive.


           4.   What made the Bushman flash a set of white teeth? How did his attitude change thereafter?

           Ans. When writer offered the Bushman beads as a token of friendship, he accepted the gifts and flashed a set of white teeth. After this, he came forward and helped them in pulling the van out of the mud. On learning that they were out on an elephant shoot, he promised to lead them to the place, where they could easily find elephants.


           5.   What special shots of the elephants were the author and her companions able to click?

           Ans. The special shots of the elephants that the author and her companions able to click were:

                   i.        The elephants along, the calves walking besides their mothers.

                  ii.        Elephants shooting water from their trunks.

                iii.        Elephants making high-pitched trumpet calls.


           6.   Why did the Bushman look puzzled after the elephants had retreated?   

           Ans. Bushman looked puzzled after the elephants had retreated because he      thought that the writer and her companions would shoot at elephants but they had not fired a shot.

      B.  Read to infer

      1.   The writer did not heed the warnings of her friends. What does this tell us about her?

      Ans. This tells us that she is focused, courageous, optimistic and strongly determined person.


      2.   Why does the writer say, ‘We could only follow in silence.’?

      Ans. The writer say that we could only follow in silence because the Bushman was the only friend they had in that wilderness, who could help them to reach their lookout point.


      3.   Why did the writer and her companion have puzzled expressions? How did the Bushman put them at ease?

      Ans. The writer and her companion have puzzled expressions because they were not able to make out where they were heading. They were at ease when they guessed from the Bushman’s gestures that he would bring them to some place.


      4.   Do you think the Bushman had set them up at a good lookout point? Give reasons for your answer.

      Ans. Yes, the Bushman had set them up at a good lookout point as from there they could see elephant herd clearly.


      5. The writer says, ‘We had not expected things to happen so fast.’ Why does the writer say so?

      Ans. ‘We had not expected things to happen so fast.’ The writer said so because they had just set up their photography gear and they heard a long trumpet of the elephant herd visiting the river at sight.


      6. Is it right to say that the writer and her companions were fortunate to have hit the Kalahari Desert before dark for more than one reason? Why?

      Ans. Yes, the writer and her companions were fortunate to have hit the Kalahari Desert before dark because

                            i.        If their van would get stuck in the mud in the dark, then they would not be able to take it off.

                            ii.        They would also not be able to tackle the Bushman at night as they are more alert and aggressive at night.

      C.  Discuss

      1.   The Bushman looked pleased that he did not have to witness the destruction of those majestic beasts. Why then do you think he had promised to conduct the writer and her companions to game? (Hint: Was he expecting something?)

      Ans. Beads offered as gift which he longed for made the Bushman to conduct the writer and her companions to game.


      2.   What is better-to shoot with a camera or with a gun? Discuss.

      Ans. To shoot with a camera is better because this does not cause harm to anyone.


      3. Do you think language is the only link between people? Discuss in what other ways people can communicate with each other.

      Ans. No, language is not the only link between people. People can communicate with each other by using gesture.

          A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication or non-vocal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place of, or in conjunction with, speech. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body.