Topic outline

    • Ultimate Frisbee

      About the passage

      A.  Read to understand

      1.   Number the following events in the order in which they occur in the passage.

               a.   New Jersey students invented Ultimate Frisbee.                                 4


               b.   William Russel Frisbie set up the Frisbie Baking Company.                  1


               c.   Wham-O bought the design of the disc and sold it as Frisbee.             3


               d.   Morrison and Franscioni developed plastic discs called Pluto Platters.   2

      2.   Answer the following questions.

           a.   Why did the pies, sold in tins by Frisbie, become so popular among college students?

           Ans. Pies, sold in tins by Frisbie, become so popular among college students because

                   i.        Students found the pies very convenient to pack into their bags and eat leisurely on the grassy college grounds.

                  ii.        Empty pie tins could be tossed and caught. So they would sail the pie tins through the air at each other. The sport provided endless hours of fun and frolic.


           b.   The students yelled ‘Frisbie’ as they tossed the pie tins. What did the term ‘Frisbie’ indicate?

           Ans. The students yelled ‘Frisbie’ as they tossed the pie tins to signal the oncoming tin.


           c.   Why did Morrison and Franscioni call the plastic discs ‘Pluto Platters’?

           Ans. Morrison and Franscioni call the plastic discs ‘Pluto Platters’ to cash in on the growing interest in UFOs in those days.


           d.   How were the Pluto Platters superior to the Frisbie pie tins?

           Ans. Pluto Platters were superior to the Frisbie pie tins because they could fly farther and more accurately.



      B.  Read to infer

      1.   How did the idea of selling pies in tins help Frisbie’s business?

      Ans. Idea of selling pies in tins helped Frisbie’s business as people could take away pies tin, so no one had to wait in long queues anymore.


      2.   What made Frisbee popular in the 1950s?

      Ans. Frisbee became popular in the 1950s because Wham-O, a toy company sold the discs under the brand name ‘Frisbee’, drawing upon the name that was still being used by college students at that time.


      3.   In what ways is Ultimate Frisbee similar to the game of soccer?

      Ans. Ultimate Frisbee is similar to the game of soccer because 

                                i.        It is played between two teams of seven players on a large rectangular pitch. A line drawn across the pitch at either end creates two end zones, like in soccer.

                              ii.        A goal is scored when a team completes a pass to a player standing, or more likely running, in the end zone that they are attacking.


      4.   Do you think the sport Frisbee is easy to learn but difficult to play? Give reasons for your answers.

      Ans. Yes, the sport Frisbee is easy to learn but difficult to play because players of this sport require a great degree of speed, stamina, and agility.



      C.  Discuss

      1.   Do you agree that the games played with a Frisbee help to keep one fit? Give reasons for your answer.

      Ans. Yes, the games played with a Frisbee help to keep one fit as it gives full body workout.


      2.   Use internet to find out about the origin and development of your favourite game, and share the information in class.

      Ans. Cricket (visit the

      (Answer will vary)


      3.   Here are some suggested games – chess, hockey, soccer. Check the following link to find information on the:

      Ans. (Visit the