Topic outline

    • Food: Where does it come from?

      Q1. State True or False

      1. Scavengers help to keep the environment clean. True
      2. Tiger, giraffe and yak provide us milk. False
      3. Honey is prepared by honey bees. True
      4. Lizards eat insects. True
      5. Tomato is a seed of a plant used as vegetable. False
      6. Human beings are omnivores. True
      7. All living beings need food. True
      8. Sprouted grains give less energy compared to normal grains. False
      9. If a person does not get food he feels weak and is likely to fall ill. True
      10. There is a lot of variation in the food eaten in different regions of India. True


      Q2. Fill in the blanks.

      1. The stem of the lotus flower is consumed as food.
      2. Sugarcane and sugar beet are used to produce sugar.
      3. Mushroom is a non-green plant that we consume as food.
      4. We generally eat fruits from most of the plants.
      5. Food is obtained from plants and animals.
      6. Photosynthesis is a process by which leaves absorb sunlight and prepare food using chlorophyll.
      7. Rice and wheat flour are called staple food.
      8. Animals which eat both plants and flesh of other animals are called omnivores.
      9. Rearing and management of fishes is called pisciculture.
      10. Tiger is a carnivore because it eats only meat.
      11. Deer eats only plant products and so, is called herbivore.
      12. Parrot eats only plant products.
      13. The milk that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes and goats is an animal product.
      14. We get sugar from sugarcane.

      Q3. From where do we obtain honey?

      Ans. Honey Comb


      Q4. Where do bees store honey?

      Ans. In beehives


      Q5. Name a non-green plant that we eat.

      Ans. Mushroom


      Q6. Write any 3 milk providing animals.

      Ans. Cow, Goat and She-camel


      Q7. What are the three meals we take daily?

      Ans. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


      Q8. Write any 3 milk products you take daily.

      Ans. Cheese, Butter and Curd


      Q9. Name a food item which we can prepared from honey.

      Ans. Honey – Jams and Jellies 


      Q10. Name the animals which give us meat.

      Ans. Goat, Sheep and Pig


      Q11. Name any three products provided by plants.

      Ans. Grains, Fruits and Vegetables


      Q12. Name any three products provided by animals.

      Ans. Milk, Eggs and Meat


      Q13. Name two sugar producing plants.

      Ans. Sugarcane and Sugarbeet


      Q14. What do squirrels eat?

      Ans. Squirrels are herbivorous animal.


      Q15. Which part of plant carrot is?

      Ans. A carrot is a root vegetable. 


      Q16. Name the different parts of a banana plant that are used as food.

      Ans. Stem, Flower, Raw Banana and Ripe Banana Fruit


      Q17. Name 4 animal food we get from water resources.

      Ans. Fish, Prawn, Lobster, and Crabs


      Q18. Name four fruits that we eat as vegetables.

      Ans. Fruits of Tomato, Brinjal (Eggplant), Ladyfinger, Cucumber.


      Q19. Name two ingredients in our food that are not obtained from plants or animals.

      Ans. Salt and Water


      Q20. Why do boiled seeds fail to sprout?

      Ans. The boiled seeds failed to sprout because boiling damages the seeds.


      Q21. Write one fruit which is found underground and mention the nutrient found in that fruit. 

      Ans. Ground nuts and it give us fats.


      Q22. What ingredients are used to prepare boiled rice?

      Ans. Raw rice and Water

      Q23. From where does baby plant get food? 

      Ans. Baby plant or seedling depends upon the food stored in the seed.


      Q24. Observe the ingredients of various food items. Do they have some common food ingredients?

      Ans. Yes, they have some common ingredients like: water, salt and oil.


      Q25. What do you call the habit of an individual to eat a particular type of food items commonly?

      Ans. The habit of an individual to eat a particular type of food items commonly is called food habit.


      Q26. What is apiculture?

      Ans. Beekeeping (or apiculture) is the maintenance of bee colonies, commonly in man-made hives, by humans. 


      Q27. What are the edible parts of plants?

      Ans. The various parts of plants which are used as food material by us are: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds.


      Q28. Which food are more nutritious sprouts or pulses?

      Ans. Sprouts contain high levels of fiber, vitamins and protein as compared to pulses. That is why sprouts are more nutritious than pulses.


      Q29. Why do honey bees often sit on flowers?

      Ans. Honey bees often sit on flowers to collect nectar (sweet juices) from flowers.  They convert it into honey and store it in their hive.


      Q30. What are ingredients?

      Ans. Ingredients are the things that are used to make something, especially all the different foods we use when we are cooking a particular dish.


      Q31. Who prepares honey and how? 

      Ans. Bees prepares honey. Honey bees collect nectar from the flower and store it in their hives and convert it into honey. 


      Q32. On skipping breakfast we feel tired and exhausted. Why?

      Ans. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and it is taken after a long period of time. That’s why we feel tired and exhausted if we miss our breakfast.


      Q33. What is honey? 

      Ans. Honey is a thick, golden liquid, sugary product produced by honey bees using the nectar of flowering plants.


      Q34. What is food? 

      Ans. Food is any nutritious substance that people or animals eat in order to maintain life and growth.


      Q35. Name some plants that grow in water and eaten as food.

      Ans. Some aquatic plants are used by humans as a food source. Examples include water chestnut and lotus.


      Q36. What are sprouted seeds?

      Ans. The germinating seeds at the initial stage when a white structure grows out from the seed are called sprouted seeds.


      Q37. Which parts of mustard plants are edible?

      Ans. Mustard plants have two edible parts:

      - Seeds of mustard plants are used to extract oil.

      - Leaves are used as a vegetable.


      Q38. Why do we cook food? Does food loss its nutrition value when they are cooked?

      Ans. We cook food to make it tastier and easy to digest. But while cooking some of the nutrients such as vitamin C get destroyed. That is why we eat some fruits and vegetables without cooking.


      Q39. Give some examples where two or more parts of a single plant are used as food.

      Ans. Examples:

      Mustard - Seeds and Leaves

      Pumpkin – Fruit, Seeds and Flowers

      Coriander - Seeds, Stems and Leaves


      Q40. What are the two common sources of ingredients used to prepare food items? Explain.

      Ans. Plants are the sources of food ingredients like grains, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Animals provide us with milk, meat products and eggs. Cows, goats and buffaloes are some common animals which give us milk.


      Q41. Compare food habits with food habits of your friend who lives in Tamil Nadu.

      Ans. My food habit (North India) – Dal, Rice, Roti, Vegetables, Buttermilk, Poori, Raita etc.

      My friend’s food habit (South India) – Idli, Rice, Sambhar, Puttu, Venpongal, Idiyappam, Parotta etc.


      Q42. Explain the importance of food for living organisms.

      Ans. Food is needed by all living organisms because it provides nutrients. Nutrients are substances that provide: energy for activity, growth, and all functions of the body such as breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm; materials for the growth and repair of the body.


      Q43. Name five plants and their parts that we eat.

      Ans. Brinjal – Fruit

      Potato – Stem

      Spinach – Leaves

      Peas – Seed

      Wheat - Seed


      Q44. Do you find that all living beings need the same kind of food?

      Ans. No, all living beings do not need the same kind of food. There are some animals which eat only plants or plant products. These are called herbivores. There are some animals which eat other animals. These animals are called carnivores. There are some animals which eat both plants and animals. These are called omnivores.


      Q45. Write the names of the plants that provide us:

      Vegetables – broccoli, beans, spinach, ladyfinger, cabbage etc.

      Fruits – orange, apple, banana, mango, pineapple etc. 

      Cereals or grains – rice, corn, barley, wheat, millet etc.

      Pulses – gram, kidney beans, peas etc.

      Oil or fat – groundnut, mustard, groundnut, sunflower etc.


      Q46. Why is India facing food problem today? How can it be solved?

      Ans. India is facing food problems today because India is not able to produce food to meet the increasing requirement of the growing population.

      It can be solved by:

      - Storing the food properly.

      - Growing better crops.

      - Better management of left-over food in the parties and functions.

      - Avoiding wastage of food.

      Q47. What are the ways we can think of to avoid wastage of food?

      Ans. The following are the ways by which wastage of food can be avoided.

      -Foodgrains, pulses, fruits and vegetables should be stored properly.

      -Don’t cook too much.

      -Take small amount of food to avoid wastage.

      -Leftovers must be kept in the refrigerator and then reused.

      -If you can’t finish your food completely, try to share it with someone before you start eating.


      Q48. Match the items given in Column A with that in Column B.

      Column A

      Column B

      Milk, curd, paneer, ghee,

      eat other animals

      Spinach, cauliflower, carrot

      eat plants and plant products

      Lions and tigers

      are vegetables


      are all animal products


      Column A

      Column B

      Milk, curd, paneer, ghee,

      are all animal products

      Spinach, cauliflower, carrot

      are vegetables

      Lions and tigers

      eat other animals


      eat plants and plant products


      Q49. Complete the table.

      Food Item






      Urad dal





      Water supply

      Chicken curry









      Water supply








      Q50. Complete the table.

      Name of the animal

      Food the animal eats


      Grass, oilcake,

      hay, grains


      Small animals,

      birds, milk


      Grains, vegetable, fruits, seeds and nuts


      Flesh of animals


      Flesh of animals


      Small insects

      House lizard

      Small insects


      Grass, leaves, grain, hay and water

      Human beings

      Rice, pulses, chapati, idli, dosa, bread, eggs, fruits, vegetables etc.




      Small insects, grains, meat
























      Q51. Differentiate among the following:

      (i) Herbivores and Carnivores



      1. They eat only plant products.

      They eat flesh and meat of other animals.

      2. They have strong grinding teeth.

      They have sharp tearing teeth or canines.

      3. Examples: giraffe, goat, cow, deer, etc.

      Examples: lion, tiger, hyena, leopard, etc.


      (ii) Carnivores and Omnivores



      1. They eat flesh and meat of other animals.

      They eat both meat and plants.

      2. They have sharp tearing teeth or canines.

      They have a combination of sharp front teeth and molars for grinding.

      3. Examples: lion, tiger, hyena, leopard, etc.

      Examples: human, bear, dog, etc.


      (iii) Parasites and Scavengers



      1. They live inside or on the body of the host.

      They feed on dead and decaying matter.

      2. Their organ systems are not well developed.

      Their organ systems are well developed.

      3. They harm their host.

      They clean the environment.