Prepositions Worksheet 1

Underline the prepositions in the following sentences.

1.     Her notebooks are in the bag.

2.     Look at the flowers.

3.     I bought new pen for my exams.

4.     She sat beside her.

5.     The little girl was hiding under the table.

6.     We will leave after lunch.

7.     Birds were flying above the building.

8.     We all look at the painting.

9.     The monkey ran after him.

10.    This parcel is from her.

11.    The train is behind the schedule.

12.    The boy is sitting beside the girl.

13.    I was late for school today.

14.    Ravi was standing behind me.

15.    I drank three cups of milk.


Prepositions Worksheet 2

Complete the following sentences by writing a suitable preposition in the blanks provided:

1.     The Exhibition starts ___________ Monday.

2.     He stood ___________ me.

3.     He is waiting ___________ the bus stop.

4.     The book is kept ___________ the desk.

5.     There are vegetables ___________ the basket.

6.     The man is standing ___________ the tree.

7.     Riya is fond ___________ chocolate cake.

8.     We all went ___________ the movie theater.

9.     Riya is playing ___________ her sisters.

10.    My mom is not ___________ home.

11.    The train went ___________ the tunnel.

12.    The moon shines ___________ night.

13.    She baked a cake ___________ my birthday.

14.    She drew the picture ___________ a crayon.

15.    It was my first trip ___________ Manali.

Last modified: Saturday, 7 December 2019, 1:15 PM