Practice Page 1


What are prime numbers?





What are composite numbers?





Write all the prime numbers from 1 to 50.





Write the prime number between 60 and 90.




Circle the prime numbers.


41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50


Can there be any natural number that does not have factor at all?




Write down 7 consecutive numbers which are not prime numbers.




Express 31 as the sum of 3 odd prime numbers.




Practice Page 2


What are co-prime numbers? Give example.





Are all co-prime numbers are prime?






a.  The smallest composite number is 4. _________

b.  The smallest prime number is 1. ____________

c.  1 is neither prime nor composite.__________

d.   A prime number is a number that has only two factors i.e. 1 and itself. __________

e.   A number which has more than three factors is called a composite number. ____________

f.    All prime numbers are odd numbers. __________

g.   1 is co-prime with every number. ___________

h.   Every prime number is not a co-prime to each other. __________

i.     Any two successive numbers are always co-primed. __________

j.    The sum of two prime numbers is always a prime number. _______

k.   The H.C.F of two prime numbers is always 1. ________


Write two pair of prime numbers whose difference is 1.




Practice Page 3

Fill in the blanks.

a.   _______________ is the even prime number.

b.   _______________ is the first composite number.

c.   The smallest odd prime number is _____________.

d.   ______________ is the neither prime nor composite number.

e.   The sum two prime numbers can be even or__________.

f.    14 and 15 is a pair of __________________ number.

g.   H.C.F of two prime numbers is always _________.

h.   ____________ are the prime numbers greater than 30 and less than 40.

i.     73 is a ____________ number.

j.    96 is a ____________ number.

k.   Prime numbers are natural numbers that have only 2 factors i.e. 1 and_____________.

l.     The two numbers are said to be co-prime numbers when there is no number, other than_______, that divides both the two given number evenly.

m. A ____________ number has factors in addition to one and itself.

n.   Every prime number except 2 is_______________.

o.   If any whole number greater than 1 is not a prime number, then it is a _____________ number.

p.   10, 12 and 18 are _______________ numbers.


Last modified: Tuesday, 11 June 2019, 3:21 PM