We Human beings are very intelligent and have created our own languages to communicate with each other. Every day we talk with many people about different issues, likes and dislikes, ideas, feelings etc. This exchange of ideas and thoughts with each other is called communication.
Means of communication
can be done through spoken word, letters, signs, symbols, mails, gestures and
postures of our body. In earlier times letters were used for communication
which used to take long time to reach the concerned person. These days we have
fast means of communication such as telephone, short message service (SMS) and
e-mail (electronic mail). To communicate with a number of people in different
parts of the world at same time we can use mass communication such as radio,
television, newspaper.
Internet is such an important now days. We all use internet to search information and for shopping through online. Through internet and computer we can chat with our dear one who are living very far in different country. Through the webcam we see each other also. Computer and internet has not only made possible for the family to talk, but also hear, write, read and see. It is fastest means of communication and helps us keep in touch with our family we care about.