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  • free printable reading comprehension,  passages for kids, story for kids, bedtime stories, comprehension worksheet PDF ,Story – Honest Arya, moral, short stories, printable worksheet, reading story are followed by a set of reading comprehension questions with answer

    • Honest Arya

      One evening, Arya was playing football in the park with his friends. One of his friends hit the football so hard that it went in the nearby bush. Arya headed towards the bush to bring the ball. On reaching the place he started searching for the ball in the bush.

      On way back with the ball he saw a small red purse lying near the bench. He stopped there to see the purse. First he thought to leave it there and rejoin the game. But second thought came onto his mind that, there could something important of somebody. So, he lifted the purse and peeped inside it. He saw some credit card and cash. He looked around to just check if anyone around, whom he can ask about the purse. But he could not find anyone.

      He got a brilliant idea to take that the purse to police station with all his friends. The police praised Arya’s honesty and his idea of handing over the purse to the police. Police handed over the purse to the owner of the purse.

      When Arya shared this incident with his parents, his parents were so happy that they presented him gift for his good deed. Next day when his teacher came to know about that incident through his friend, she congratulated him for this honest act during the school assembly. He felt great on getting this honor.

      Moral: When we are honest, we are earning for ourselves a good name, good reputation, good character and we are loved by everyone.

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