Topic outline

    • Our Body

      Q30. List some healthy habits for proper functioning of the digestive system.

      Ans. Some healthy habits that help in proper functioning of the digestive system are:

      a. Drinking plenty of water

      b. Eating at a proper time

      c. Chewing the food properly

      d. Exercise


      Q31. How to take good care of our respiratory system?

      Ans. To take care of our respiratory system, we must:

      a. Avoid indoor and outdoor air pollution. Breathing polluted air causes serious lung diseases, like asthma.

      b. Exercise regularly.

      c. Practice taking deep and long breaths.

      d. Eat a healthy, balanced diet.


      Q32. Where does the air go that we breathe in?
      What happens to the air we breathe in?
      What happens to the air that enters our body?

      Ans. From the nose, air enters the windpipe. It passes through the bronchi and goes into the pair of lungs in our chest. The lungs contain many blood capillaries. Oxygen in the air enters the blood capillaries and gets dissolved in the blood. It is then taken to the different parts of the body. This oxygen combines with our food and releases energy.


      Q33. How the human body works like a machine?

      Ans. The human body works like a machine. A machine needs fuel, which it uses to produce energy. Burning also produces waste in the form of smoke that is released by the machine. Similarly, our body needs fuel (food), which we use to produce energy to run around and also to grow up. We also produce waste that is released by our body.


      Q34. Differentiate between wind pipe and food pipe.

      Ans. Difference between wind pipe and food pipe are as follows:

      Wind Pipe

      Food Pipe

      1. It belongs to the respiratory system.

      1. It belongs to the digestive system.

      2. It transports air in and out of the lungs.

      2. It transports food to the stomach.


      Q35. Differentiate between small intestine and large intestine.

      Ans. Difference between small intestine and large intestine are as follows:

      Small intestine

      Large intestine

      1. It absorbs the nutrients from the digested food.

      1. It takes part in absorption of water.

      2. It performs the major steps of digestion and completes the process of digestion.

      2. It has no role in digestion.


      Q36. Differentiate between incisors and canines.

      Ans. Difference between incisors and canines are as follows:



      1. There are 8 incisors.

      1. There are 4 canines.

      2. They are flat and thin teeth.

      2. They are long, sharp and pointed teeth.

      3. They help in cutting and biting the food.

      3. They help in tearing the food.


      Q37. Describe all types of teeth in the mouth of an adult human.
      How many types of teeth are there in humans?
      What are the functions of the four types of teeth?
      What are the 4 types of teeth and their functions?

      Ans. There are four kinds of permanent teeth: Incisors, canines, premolar and molars. In front, there are four flat and thin teeth. These are called the incisors. These help in cutting or biting the food. On each side of the incisors, there is a long, sharp and pointed tooth. These are called the canines. These canines help in tearing the food. Animals that feed on flesh, like lions, tigers etc. have sharp canines. The remaining teeth in the jaw are broad, flat and thick. They are used for grinding the food. There are four premolars and four molars in each jaw.


      Q38. Describe respiratory system.

      Ans. From the nose, air enters the windpipe. It passes through the bronchi and goes into the pair of lungs in our chest. The lungs contain many blood capillaries. Oxygen in the air enters the blood capillaries and gets dissolved in the blood. It is then taken to the different parts of the body. This oxygen combines with our food and releases energy. Carbon dioxide is a waste product produced by the burning of food. It is brought back to the lungs by blood. When we breathe out, our lungs contract and push the carbon dioxide out along with the air present in it.


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