Topic outline

    • The Making of the National Movement: 1870s-1947

      Q1. Fill in the blanks.

                                 i.        Kesari is a Marathi newspaper edited by Tilak.

                                ii.        The Indian National Congress was established when 72 delegates from all over the country met at Bombay in December 1885.

                               iii.        A group of Muslim landlords and nawabs formed the All India Muslim League at Dacca in 1906.

                               iv.        The Rowlatt Act curbed fundamental rights such as the freedom of expression and strengthened police powers.

                                v.        Mahatma Gandhi abruptly called off the Non-Cooperation Movement when in February 1922 a crowd of peasants set fire to a police station in Chauri Chaura.

                               vi.        Quit India movement started in August 1942.

                vii.        Subhas Chandra Bose was a radical nationalist.

      Q2. True/False

                                i.        The Moderates were opposed to the use of boycott. True

                               ii.        The Simon Commission had many Indian representatives. False

                              iii.        Jallianwala Bagh massacre was inflicted by General Dyer in Amritsar on Baisakhi day (13 April). True

                              iv.        Swadeshi movement started before the partition of Bengal. False

                               v.        Mohammad Ali Jinnah became the major spokesperson for the demand for Pakistan. True

                             vi.        Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, also known as Badshah Khan was the founder of the Khudai Khidmatgars. True


      Q3. Who was the viceroy in 1905?

      Ans. Viceroy Curzon


      Q4. Who was Dinshaw Wacha?

      Ans. Dinshaw Wacha was a Moderate leader of the congress.


      Q5. Who gave the slogan “do or die”?
      Who raised the slogan "do or die"?

      Ans.  Mahatma Gandhi raised the slogan "do or die".

      Q6. What does RSS stand for?

      Ans.  RSS stands for Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.


      Q7. Name the newspaper edited by Balgangadhar Tilak.

      Ans. Kesari, a Marathi newspaper was edited by Balgangadhar Tilak.


      Q8. What does HSRA stand for?

      Ans.  HSRA stand for Hindustan Socialist Republican Association.


      Q9. When was Muslim League formed?

      Ans. All India Muslim League was formed at Dacca in 1906.


      Q10. Name three places where Gandhiji started local movement.
      Write the places of intervention of Gandhiji in local movements.

      Ans.  Champaran, Kheda and Ahmedabad


      Q11. When did the congress split and reunited?

      Ans. The Congress split in 1907 and reunited in December 1915.

      Q12. Who was the viceroy of India at the time of partition of Bengal?

      Ans.  Lord Curzon was the viceroy of India at the time of partition of Bengal.


      Q13. What was the Swadeshi Movement known as in deltaic Andhra?

      Ans.  It was known as the Vandemataram Movement in deltaic Andhra.


      Q14. Name the three leading members of radical group.
      Mention any three members of the Radical group.
      Who were the three main leaders of Radical group?

      Ans.  Bepin Chandra Pal, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai


      Q15. Who raised the slogan “Freedom is my birthright and I shall have it!”?

      Ans. Tilak raised the slogan, “Freedom is my birthright and I shall have it!”


      Q16. Who were the leaders of Khilafat Movement?
      Who were the leaders of the Khilafat agitation?

      Ans.  The leaders of the Khilafat agitation were Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali.


      Q17. What does 'Punjab wrongs' refer to?

      Ans.  It refers to Jallianwala massacre that occurred in Amritsar on Baisakhi day (13 April, 1919).

      Q18. Who was Chitta Ranjan Das?

      Ans.  Chitta Ranjan Das was a lawyer from East Bengal. He was especially active in the Non- Cooperation Movement.


      Q19. What does 'Punjab wrong' refer to?

      Ans.  Bhagat Singh was a revolutionary nationalist. His slogan was “Inquilab Zindabad!”