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      Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

      Q1. Fill in the blanks.

                               i.        Three-fourth’s of the earth’s surface is covered with water.

                              ii.        Plains and river valleys offer suitable land for agriculture.

                             iii.        Community lands are also called common property resources.

                             iv.        Soil erosion and depletion are the major threats to soil as a resource.

                              v.        Fresh water accounts for only about 2.7 per cent.

                             vi.        Parent rock determines colour, texture, chemical properties mineral, content, permeability of the soil.

               vii.        Temperature and rainfall influence rate of weathering and humus.

               viii.        A dripping tap wastes1200 litres in a year.

      Q2. True/False

                              i.        Countries located in climatic zones most susceptible to droughts face great problems of water scarcity. True

                             ii.        Plains and river valleys are the thinly populated areas of the world. False

                            iii.        Human factors such as population and technology are also important determinants of land use pattern. True

                            iv.        Forests are broadly classified as evergreen and deciduous. True

                             v.        Water is a vital renewable natural resource. False

                            vi.        It takes hundreds of years to make just one centimeter of soil. True


      Q3. Which country has the highest percentage of land under forest?

      Ans. Japan


      Q4. Which country has the highest percentage of land under cropland?

      Ans. India


      Q5. Which country has the highest percentage of land under pasture?

      Ans. Australia

      Q6. What are the major threats to soil as a resource?

      Ans. Soil erosion and depletion are the major threats to soil as a resource.


      Q7. What method of soil conservation is used in coastal and dry regions?

      Ans. Shelter belts are used to protect the soil in coastal and dry regions.


      Q8. What percent of fresh water is fit for human use?

      Ans. Only 1 per cent of freshwater is available and fit for human use.


      Q9. What make the soil fertile?

      Ans. The right mix of minerals and organic matter make the soil fertile.


      Q10. What affect the rate of humus formation?

      Ans. Flora, fauna and micro-organism affect the rate of humus formation.


      Q11. Why is ocean water not fit for human consumption?

      Ans. The ocean water is saline. Hence it is not fit for human consumption.


      Q12. What is soil?

      Ans. The thin layer of grainy substance covering the surface of the earth is called soil.

      Q13. Which are the two main climatic factors responsible for soil formation?

      Ans. Temperature and rainfall are the two main climatic factors responsible for soil formation.


      Q14. Which method is most appropriate to check soil erosion on steep slopes?

      Ans. Terrace farming is the most appropriate method to check soil erosion on steep slopes.


      Q15. What do you mean by shelter belt?

      Ans. Rows of trees planted in the coastal areas to check the wind movement is called shelter belt.


      Q16. How are forest classified on the basis of latitude?

      Ans. Forests are classified as tropical or temperate based on their location in different latitudes.


      Q17. What are the major types of vegetation in the world?

      Ans. The major vegetation types of the world are grouped as forests, grasslands, scrubs and tundra.


      Q18. How are vultures important to the environment?

      Ans. Vulture due to its ability to feed on dead livestock is a scavenger and considered a vital cleanser of the environment.

      Q19. What percentage of Earth is covered by land?

      Ans. Land covers only about thirty per cent of the total area of the earth’s surface and all parts of this small percentage are not habitable.