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      Motion of the Earth

      Q1. State True/False

                                   i.        Axis of the earth is an imaginary line about which the earth rotates.  True

                                 ii.        Earth takes exactly 365 days to revolve around the sun. False

                                iii.        Day and Night on the Earth occurs due to rotation of the Earth. True

                                iv.        On 21st march, the Tropic of Capricorn receives direct rays of the sun as the South Pole tilts towards it. False

                                 v.        Every fourth year, February is of 29 days instead of 28 days. True

                               vi.        When there is spring in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere. False

      Q2. Fill in the blanks.

                                i.        The earth receives light from the sun.

                               ii.        The earth takes about 24 hours to complete one rotation around its axis.

                              iii.        The period of rotation is known as the earth day.

                              iv.        On 23rd September, it is autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere and spring season in the Southern Hemisphere.

                                v.        The portion facing the sun experiences day while the other half away from the sun experiences night.

                               vi.        The axis of the earth makes an angle of 66½ degree with its orbital plane.

                vii.        Australia lies in Southern Hemisphere.

               viii.        The longest day and the shortest night at these places occur on 21st June.


      Q3. When Christmas is celebrated in Australia?

      Ans. Christmas is celebrated in Australia in the summer season.


      Q4. Which motion of the earth causes change in seasons?

      Ans. Revolution of the earth causes change in seasons.

      Q5. What is the shape of the Earth?

      Ans. Earth is spherical in shape.


      Q6. How long does it take the earth to complete one rotation around its axis?

      Ans. The earth takes about 24 hours to complete one rotation around its axis.


      Q7. When do the sun rays fall directly on the equator?

      Ans. On 21st March and September 23rd, direct rays of the sun fall on the equator.


      Q8. Why areas near the poles receive less heat?

      Ans. The areas near the poles receive less heat as the rays of the sun are slanting.


      Q9. What causes change in seasons?

      Ans. Seasons change due to the change in the position of the earth around the sun.


      Q10. Why do seasons occur?

      Ans. The seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis away or toward the sun as it travels around the sun in its orbit.

      Q11. Why days and nights are not of equal length?

      Ans. Days and nights are not equal length because of the inclined axis of the earth. As earth is tilted at an angle of 23.4°, days are longer in summers than in winters.


      Q12. Differentiate between rotation and revolution of earth.




      1. Rotation is the movement of the earth on its axis.

      1. Revolution is the movement of the earth around the sun in a fixed path or orbit.

      2. It causes day and night.

      2. It causes seasons.


      Q13. Why do the poles experience about six months of day and night?

      Ans. The Poles experience about six months of day and six months of night because of the tilt of the Earth on its axis. When the North Pole is tilted towards the Sun, it experiences continuous daylight for six months and when the South Pole is away from the sun, it experiences continuous darkness for six months.

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