Topic outline

    • Rural Administration

      Q30. What are the responsibilities of the Tehsildar?

      Ans. Responsibilities of the Tehsildar

                                  i.        They have to hear disputes.

                                ii.        They also supervise the work of the Patwaris and ensure that records are properly kept and land revenue is collected.

                              iii.        They make sure that the farmers can easily obtain a copy of their record; students can obtain their caste certificates etc.


      Q31. What are the responsibilities of a Patwari?

      Ans. Responsibilities of a Patwari

                                 i.        He is responsible for collection of land revenue from the farmers.

                               ii.        He provides information to the government about the crops grown in the area.

                              iii.        He maintains and updates the land records.

      Q32. What does the Revenue Department of the government do?

      Ans. Farmers may change the crops grown on their fields or someone may dig a well somewhere, and keeping track of all this is the work of the revenue department of the government. Senior people in this department supervise the Patwari's work.


      Q33. When do you think farmers may require a copy of land record?

      Ans. Farmers may require a copy of land record for the following purpose:

                               i.        A farmer wants to buy a plot of land from another.

                             ii.        A farmer wants to sell her produce to another.

                            iii.        A farmer wants a loan from the bank to dig a well in her land.

                            iv.        A farmer wants to purchase fertilizers for his field.

                             v.        A farmer wants to divide his property among his children.


      Q34. Write a short note on ‘Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005’.

      Ans. Till recently in some states Hindu women did not get a share in the family's agricultural land. After the death of the father his property was divided equally only among his sons. Recently, the law was changed. In the new law sons, daughters and their mothers can get an equal share in the land. The same law will apply to all states and union territories of the country.

      Q35. Why it is necessary for a Patwari to maintain an updated record?

      Ans. It is necessary for a Patwari to maintain an updated record for the following reason:

                             i.        Farmers may change the crops grown on their fields or someone may dig a well somewhere.

                            ii.        For providing information to the government about the crops grown in this area.


      Q36. Why Mohan did not register his case at the main Police Station in town?

      Ans. He did not register his case at the main Police Station in town because every police station has an area that comes under its control and all persons in that area can report cases or inform the police about any theft, accident, injury, fight, etc. It is the responsibility of the police of that station to enquire, to investigate and take action on the cases within its area.


      Q37. Elucidate the role of the police department in the society.

      Ans. Role of the police department

                                i.        To maintain law and order in the society.

                              ii.        To register cases about any theft, accident, injury, fight, etc.

                            iii.        To enquire and to investigate and take action on the cases within its area.

      Q38. What is the role of a Tehsildar?

      Ans. Role of a Tehsildar

                              i.        They have to hear disputes.

                             ii.        They also supervise the work of the Patwaris and ensure that records are properly kept and land revenue is collected.

                            iii.        They make sure that the farmers can easily obtain a copy of their record; students can obtain their caste certificates etc.

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