Ans. Polar bears have following adaptations which help them to survive in cold environment:
i. Polar bears have white fur so that they are not easily visible in the snowy white background. It protects them from their predators. It also helps them in catching their prey.
ii. To protect them from extreme cold, they have two thick layers of fur. They also have a layer of fat under their skin.
iii. Physical activities on warm days necessitate cooling. So, the polar bear goes for swimming.
iv. Its paws are wide and large, which help it not only to swim well but also walk with ease in the snow. It can remain under water for long durations.
v. It has a strong sense of smell so that it can catch its prey for food.
Ans. Main features of the rainforest
i. The tropical region has generally a hot climate because of its location around the equator. Even in the coldest month the temperature is generally higher than about 15°C.
ii. During hot summers, the temperature may cross 40°C. Days and nights are almost equal in length throughout the year. These regions get plenty of rainfall.
iii. Tropical rainforests are found in Western Ghats and Assam in India, Southeast Asia, Central America and Central Africa.
iv. The major types of animals living in the rainforests are monkeys, apes, gorillas, tigers, elephants, leopards, lizards, snakes, birds and insects.
Ans. The climatic conditions in rainforests are highly suitable for supporting an enormous number and a variety of animals. Since the numbers are large, there is intense competition for food and shelter. So, animals have adapted themselves to overcome the competition for food and shelter in the rainforests.
i. Many animals are adapted to living on the trees. Red-eyed frog has developed sticky pads on its feet to help it climb trees on which it lives.
ii. To help them live on the trees, monkeys have long tails for grasping branches. Their hands and feet are such that they can easily hold on to the branches.
iii. Bird Toucan possesses a long, large beak. This helps a toucan to reach the fruits on branches which are otherwise too weak to support its weight.