i. Wool is obtained from the fleece (hair) of sheep or yak.
ii. Silk fibres come from cocoons of the silk moth.
iii. Yak wool is common in Tibet and Ladakh.
iv. Silk fibres are made of a protein.
v. Llama and Alpaca, found in South America, also yield wool.
i. The fur (hair) on the body of camels is also used as wool. True
ii. Caterpillars should be collected with bare hands. False
iii. Weavers weave silk threads into silk cloth. True
iv. For obtaining silk, moths are reared and their cocoons are collected to get silk threads. True
v. A female silk moth lays one egg at a time. False
Ans. The hairy skin of the sheep has wool.
Ans. The white fleece of the lamb means white color hairy skin.
Ans. The rearing of silkworms for obtaining silk is called sericulture.
Ans. Scientific name of mulberry is Morus alba.
Ans. sheep, goat and yak
Ans. China leads the world in silk production.
Ans. Silk is a protein fibre and is a non-conductor of heat.
Ans. Yarn is a long continuous thread that is made up of fibre.
Ans. Lohi, Rampur bushair, Nali, Bakharwal, Marwari and Patanwadi
Ans. mulberry silk, tassar silk, eri silk, mooga silk, etc.
Ans. The process of making yarn from fibres is called spinning.
Ans. The most common silk moth is the mulberry silk moth.
Ans. Wool is a fibre obtained from sheep, goat, yak and some other animals.
Ans. Risks faced by workers in any industry are called occupational hazards.
Ans. The caterpillar completely covers itself by silk fibres and turns into pupa. This covering is known as cocoon.
Ans. Angora wool is obtained from angora goats, found in hilly regions such as Jammu and Kashmir.
Ans. The female silk moth lays eggs, from which hatch larvae which are called caterpillars or silkworms.
Ans. Weaving is the process of arranging two sets of yarns together to make a fabric.
Ans. Rearing of animal includes day-to-day care, selective breeding and the raising of animal.
Ans. The process of taking out threads from the cocoon for use as silk is called reeling the silk.