Proper Fractions
Fraction whose numerator is less than its denominator is called Proper fraction. Proper fraction is always less than a whole.
Here, Numerator < Denominator (Numerator is smaller than Denominator)
Therefore 3/5 is a proper fraction.
Improper Fractions
Fraction whose numerator is more than or equal to its denominator is called Improper fraction.
Here, Numerator > Denominator (Numerator is greater than Denominator)
Therefore 8/5 is an improper fraction.
Unit Fractions
A fraction with numerator 1 is called Unit fraction.
Mixed Fractions
Fraction made up of a whole number and a proper number is called Mixed fraction.
Here, 5 is a whole number and ¾ is a proper fraction.
Changing a Mixed Fraction into Improper Fraction
Step1: First multiply the whole number with denominator.
Step2: Then add product of whole number and denominator with numerator
Step3: Write the resultant number as numerator. Also write the denominator.
Comparing a Mixed Fraction with an Improper Fraction
Comparing two Mixed Fraction