Metric Measure of Capacity
The maximum amount that something can hold is called capacity. The standard unit of capacity is liter. We use different units to measure different capacity. Milliliter, centiliter , deciliter are smaller unit used to measure smaller capacity, liter is commonly used to measure capacity, whereas units like decaliter, hectoliter and kiloliter are used to measure larger capacity. All these units are related to each other.
When we move from one metric unit to another to the right in the above metric chart, the value of metric unit becomes ten times smaller i.e. one tenth and when we move from one metric unit to another to the left in the metric chart, the value of metric unit becomes ten times bigger.
We consider liter as the basic unit of capacity.
1 Decaliter (dal) = 10 times liter
1 Hectoliter (hl) = 100 times liter
1 Kiloliter (kl) = 1000 times liter
1 Deciliter (dl) = 1/10 of liter
1 centiliter (cl) = 1/100 of liter
1 milliliter (ml) = 1/1000 of liter
Conversion of measures from higher to lower units
We always multiply when we change higher unit to lower unit.
Example 1: Change 6kl into liters
1kl =1000l
Therefore, 6 x 1000l = 6000l
Example 2: Change 45l into centiliters
1l = 100cl
Therefore, 45 x 100cl = 4500cl
Conversion of measures from lower to higher units
We always divide when we change lower unit to higher unit.
Example 1: Change 8000l to kilo liter
1000l = 1kl
Therefore, 8000 ÷ 1000 = 8l
Addition and Subtraction
Step1: Write the units on the top.
Step2: Write the numbers in proper place below the units. Write zero in empty place.
Example 1: Add 40kl 34l and 23kl 3l
Example 2: Subtract 40kl 34l from 70kl 64l
Multiplication involving units of measurement
Example 1: Multiply 33 l 30ml by 2
Division involving units of measurement
Example 1: Divide 484l by 4