Topic outline

    • Subtraction of Unlike Fractions

      Steps to Subtract Unlike Fractions

      Step 1: Use LCM method to convert the unlike fractions into like fractions.

      Step 2: Find out new numerators of the given fractions.

      Step 3: Find difference of new numerators.

      Step 4: Write the resulting numerator after subtraction over the LCM as denominator.

      Step 5: If resultant fraction is an improper fraction then convert it into mixed fraction.


      Example 1:

      Here denominators are different. So, we will first make denominators of the given fractions equal, using LCM method.

      LCM OF 3 and 4

      = 3x4

      = 12

      Now we have to find out new numerators of the both fractions.

      New Numerator of the first fraction =

      LCM ÷ Denominator of the first fraction x Numerator of the first fraction

      = 12 ÷ 3 = 4 (LCM ÷ Denominator of the first fraction)

      = 4x2 =8 (Resultant answer x Numerator of the first fraction)

      New numerator of first fraction is 8

      New Numerator of the second fraction =

      LCM ÷ Denominator of the second fraction x Numerator of the second fraction

      = 12 ÷ 4 = 3 (LCM ÷ Denominator of the second fraction)

      = 3x1 =3 (Resultant answer x Numerator of the second fraction)

      New numerator of second fraction is 3

      Now subtract new numerators

      = 8 - 3

      = 5

      Then write the resulting numerator after subtraction over the LCM as denominator.

      Example 2:

      Here denominators are different. So, we will first make denominators of the given fractions equal, using LCM method.

      LCM OF 7 and 14


      7, 14


      1,  2


      1,  1

      = 7 x 2

      = 14

      Now we have to find out new numerators of the fractions.

      New Numerator of the first fraction =

      LCM ÷ Denominator of the first fraction x Numerator of the first fraction

      = 14 ÷ 7 = 2 (LCM ÷ Denominator of the first fraction)

      = 2x4 = 8 (Resultant answer x Numerator of the first fraction)

      New numerator of first fraction is 8

      New Numerator of the second fraction =

      LCM ÷ Denominator of the second fraction x Numerator of the second fraction

      = 14 ÷ 14 = 1 (LCM ÷ Denominator of the second fraction)

      = 1x1 =1 (Resultant answer x Numerator of the second fraction)

      New numerator of second fraction is 1

      Now subtract the new numerators

      = 8 - 1

      = 7

      Then write the resulting numerator after subtraction over the LCM as denominator.


             1.   In subtraction of a whole number and a fractional number, we assume denominator of whole number as 1 for calculation.

             2.   In subtraction of mixed fractions, convert mixed fraction into improper fraction before starting to subtract.


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