We communicate with number of people daily. Think, what would happen if nobody communicates? We will not able to exchange our thoughts, ideas and feelings. Thus communication is a part of our life. Communication involves exchange of thoughts, opinions, or information among people.There are many ways/means of communication. We can communicate by writing, orally or by gestures.
Types of communication
Verbal Communication
In verbal communication we use words to express our thoughts. Two main form of verbal communication are written and oral communication. Written communication means communicating by writing and includes hand written letters, documents, typed documents, email, text chats, books etc. In oral communication we speak words either face to face or over phone. This includes speech, lecture, voice chat etc.
Non Verbal Communication
It does not involve use of words. It is done through facial expressions, body gestures, signs, drawing, graphic design, color, pictures, paintings etc. For example waving hand, pointing finger, smiling, making faces expresses our feeling and emotions.
Means of communication
Three main means of communication are postal communication, telecommunication and mass communication.
Postal Communication
Though letter writing is not very popular these days but it been very popular means of communication in earlier days. The postal system delivers postcards, letters, and parcels physically. Let’s see how our letter reaches its destination. We write letter and mention the address with PIN code (Postal Index Number), then we drop it into nearby letter box. Later on person from postal department clear the mail box and sort all the letter destination wise and marks its seal. After this, these letters are sent to their respective places by road, rail, air or water transport. These letters are further sorted out and sealed again at the delivery offices. Postman deputed in each area receives the letters and delivers them to addressee. Examples of postal communication are letter, inland letter, post card, printed post card.
Telecommunication means communicating over a distance. Examples of telecommunications are telegram, mobile phones, land lines, satellite phones, radio, television etc.
Telegram – A brief message sent over telegraph and then delivered in written or printed form to the recipient. Telegrams can also be transmitted over the phone. This service developed for urgent letters. Telegram service had been withdrawn in year 2013 in India.
Telephone- Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. It is the fastest means of communication. We can make STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) call to talk to our family and relatives in far off cities and make ISD (International Subscriber Dialing) call in different countries.
Mobile phone- With mobile phone we can make call anytime. It can be used to text messages, reading emails, browsing the internet and many other things. These phones are small in size and can be carried conveniently wherever we go.
Computer and Internet – Today most of us use internet to send e-mail (electronic mail) to our family and friends and to chat with our dear one who are living very far in different country.
Mass communication
Mass communication means the imparting or exchanging of information to large number of people at the same time. Various means of mass communication are newspaper, magazines, radio, television and films.
Newspaper- Newspaper informs us about recent happenings around the world.
Radio and Television – They educate, inform and entertain us. It attracts large number of viewers of all age groups, literate or illiterate.
Internet- Through internet via email, websites and blogs, large amount of information can be circulated.