Multiplication - 2 Digit by 1 Digit Number (Without carry over)
Example: 32 x 2
Step 1: Place larger number above the smaller number so that the tens' and ones' places are lined up. Write the multiplication sign below the top number and draw a line below the bottom number.
Step 2: Multiply the number in the ones' place of the bottom number with the number in the ones' place of the top number; 2x2 =4; write 4 in the ones place.
Step 3: Multiply the number in the ones' place of the bottom number with the number in the tens place of the top number; 2x3 =6; write 6 in the tens place.
2 Digit Numbers by 1 Digit Number (With Carry Over)
Example: 12 x 5
Step 1: Place larger number above the smaller number so that the tens' and ones' places are lined up. Write the multiplication sign below the top number and draw a line below the bottom number.
Step2: Multiply the number in the ones' place of the bottom number with the number in the ones' place of the top number; 5x2 =10; write 0 in the ones place and carry 1 to tens’ column.
Step3: Multiply the number in the ones' place of the bottom number with the number in the tens place of the top number; 5x1 =5; 5 is added to the 1 carried over number of tens' place .write 6 in the tens place.
When we multiply a number by zero or zero by any number, the product is always zero
0 x 45 = 0
78 x 0 = 0
When we multiply a number by one or one by any number, the product is always the number itself.
56 x 1 = 56
1 x 89 = 89
When we multiply a number by 10, we add 1 zero on its right side.
55 x 10 = 550
When we multiply a number by 100, we add two zero on its right side.
5 x 100 = 500