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    • Download Free Printable Worksheets on ‘Subtraction of 2 Digit Numbers (With Borrowing) - Numbers up to 100’

      Subtraction of 2 Digit Numbers (With Borrowing)

      Example 1: Subtract 18 from 57

      Step1. Place the number one below the other.

      Step2. Subtract the ones

      As 7 is smaller than 8, we cannot subtract 8 from 7. So, 1 ten is borrowed from the tens column.

      Now, 1 ten = 10 ones, which means 10 ones + 7 ones = 17 ones.

      We have 17 ones and we can subtract 8 ones from 17 ones.

      17 ones – 8 ones = 9 ones

      9 is written in the ones column of the answer

      Step3. Subtract the tens

      After borrowing 1 ten from tens column, we have 4 tens (5 -1=4 tens) in the tens column.

      Now subtract the tens

      4 tens – 1 ten = 3 tens

      3 is written in the tens column of the answer

      Example 2: Subtract 26 from 42

      Step1. Place the number one below the other.

      Step2. Subtract the ones

      As 2 is smaller than 6, we cannot subtract 6 from 2. So, 1 ten is borrowed from the tens column.

      Now, 1 ten = 10 ones, which means 10 ones + 2 ones = 12 ones.

      We have 12 ones and we can subtract 6 ones from 12 ones.

      12 ones – 6 ones = 6 ones

      6 is written in the ones column of the answer

      Step3. Subtract the tens

      After borrowing 1 ten from tens column, we have 3 tens (4 -1=3 tens) in the tens column.

      Now subtract the tens

      3 tens – 2 tens = 1 ten

      1 is written in the tens column of the answer

      Download Free Printable Worksheets on ‘Subtraction of 2 Digit Numbers (With Borrowing) - Numbers up to 100’